Custom Cable Assembly Manufacturer | High Density Medical Cable Assemblies
Custom Cable Assembly Manufacturer: Onanon’s Vast Capabilities
Onanon is the world leader in custom-made, application-specific cable assemblies and connectors. In addition to our innovative product line, we have the necessary capabilities to manufacture custom-made assemblies for nearly any application. Whether you need a custom cable assembly for a medical device, a custom solution for military equipment, or a smart connector with integrated electronics, Onanon has the manufacturing capabilities to produce large quantities of your desired product with your exact specifications. Our team of design and application engineers will work closely with you to ensure that we meet all of your product requirements and create the right custom solution in a cost effective and timely manner.
Over the course of the last four-plus decades, we’ve created many unique custom cable assemblies for a range of different applications and industries. Below are a few examples of some of our finest custom products:
High density push-pull medical cable assembly. This medical cable assembly is the highest density push-pull connector in the world. It has up to 146 contacts that are soldered to IPC class three on our robotic wire termination system, and is widely used in many medical applications, including heart mapping and ultrasound. -
High power RF medical cable assembly. This cable assembly is designed to meet your creepage and clearance requirements, while providing a sleek industrial look for your next generation device.
Low insertion force medical cable assembly. This connector is commonly used for medical applications. Our low insertion force connector series is easy to use, which is why technicians in the field love using this device.-
Over molded flex circuit cable assembly. This connector has many applications, as its low pressure molding allows us to protect sensitive flex components and provide versatility to meet any and all of your specifications and requirements.
High voltage magnetic safety latching medical cable assembly. Safety is the most important factor with medical equipment, and this connector’s features put it a cut above the competition in that regard. Its magnetic safety latch features are integrated into your high voltage application to keep your capital equipment safe during any medical procedures.
Hermetically sealed silicone cable assembly. Onanon’s combination of silicone molding capabilities, plast treatment science, and manufacturing expertise allows us to successfully produce your hermetically sealed cable assemblies for a variety of uses and applications.
Ultrasonic welded electronic cable assembly. Our ultrasonic welding capabilities allow us to manufacture custom cable assemblies specifically to your needs and specifications.
Custom Cable Assemblies from Onanon
Depending on your specific circumstances, it’s possible that off the shelf components won’t cut it for your OEM devices. Whether you’re in the medical, military, aerospace, commercial, automotive or industrial markets, Onanon has the unique capabilities to custom make the exact cable assemblies for your specific needs. Your products deserve the attention and engineering to ensure that it’s fully functional, and Onanon offers best-in-class manufacturing and service together with competitive costs to make sure you get just that. Get in touch with us today, and speak with our engineering team to learn how we can help design the best custom cable assembly for your application.